Manti one of the most popular meat dishes in Central Asia and also in Turkey and Pakistan. This kind of dumplings got there from China where the mantou word means the bread steamed. Uyghur people from north-western China were the first who adopted the recipe of this kind of dumplings. As appears from the name, manti are steamed. Traditionally they are cooked on special lattices which are called kaskan which are established at the bottom of big vessel.
Though each Asian people are proud of their own culinary tradition, but sometimes it is difficult to distinguish manti from other kinds of Asian dumplings.
Sometimes meat of the brute is mixed with bird's meat for strengthening of flavor. Also sliced pumpkin, onions and a grass which is called dzhusay (ramson) is added to stuffing. As well as the Georgian khinkalis, the real manti can't be imagine without meat juice inside. East culinary specialists prefer to add to manti a little udder or a camel hump, in the Russian execution salo (pig fat) is used.
The manti form can be the most various. Most often they are round, looks like a small cup, but also it can be quadrangular and triangular shape. Dough for a manti is unfermented: on water, without yeast. One of the most suitable sauce to manti is soy sauce. It is well combined with vinegar with chili powder and sour cream.
Khinkali is the glorius Georgian cuisine dish. Khinkali originated in the Georgian mountain regions of Pshavi, Mtiuleti and Khevsureti. Long since mountan people sliced meat of a mountain goat by daggers to make the real khinkali. Varieties of khinkali spread from there across different parts of the Caucasus. But exactly Georgia is still impossible without khinkali. It is a part of traditions and the culture of this friendly country.
These entertaining Georgian dumplings are eaten only with hands! Especially, in the presence of experts. If you don't want to drop the honor in the opinion of the real Georgians you should learn this ritual. Khinkali is eaten only hot, in any case it is impossible to wait so far they will cool down and will become inedible. Take it for a leg, take a bite and suck the delightful meat juice of khinkali so that not to spill it off. Modern Georgians prefer light bitter beer or vodka as traditional drinks with khinkali.
It is difficult to present Ukrainian cuisine without vareniki they appeared in Ukraine thanks to the Turkish influence, though. East dish wich called dush vara became varanik, and then varenik. Ukrainian dumplings contain mainly sweet stuffing inside.
The real celebrities are cherry dumplings. But wild berries, sweet cherry, apples and cottage cheese dumplings is not worse. Non sweet stuffings made from cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms and of course from salo (pig fat). But the most zealous adherents of Ukrainian cuisine will tell that true vareniki have to be sweet. Ukrainian option of dumplings pays a tribute to all sweet teeth and allows to experiment with various berry and fruit stuffings much. Separately it is necessary to tell about so-called lazy vareniki. They are made of cottage cheese, eggs and flour, are led up until smooth and prepare without stuffing.
The ravioli word in the basis has the verb ravvolgere that means in Italian to wrap up. As well as other types of pasta they got to Europe by the Great silk way from China in the Middle Ages. Stuffing of that time not strongly differed from modern, it was meat, vegetables, fish and cream cheese. Mentions of this type of dumplings occur in written certificates of dealers of the 14th century, so Europeans possibly ate ravioli without the well-known tomato sauce. Tomatoes appeared in this territory century later.
The dish is considered to be Italian, but the oldest recipe was found by historians in the Anglo-Norman manuscript of the 90th years of the 13th century. However Italians all the same brilliantly managed to nationalize this outstanding invention of cookery.
Ravioli it is rectangular or round envelopes, quite impressive by the size with varius stuffing. They are considered as one of types of pasta. Italians is well-known gourmets and inventors. Meat ravioli are popular, but aren't the dominating option. Also vegetarian ravioli filled with cheese, vegetables, spinach, mashed potatoes, soy cottage cheese of tofu and even a nettle is claimed. Though tomato ketchup is classical option in combination with ravioli, it often serve with creamy sauces and also with famous pesto sauce wich made on the basis of spicy herbs. Dessert version is chocolate ravioli. The Americans version is fried ravioli.
Dumplings plays a large role in Chinese cuisine. According to one of versions China is gave a start of dumplings distribution worldwide. It is indicative that Chinese possess a record for Guinness World Records. Five hundred cooks created the dumpling wich weigh 2.5 tons.
There are two main types of dumplings in China.
Jiaozi has the flat form and they are close to the Russian pelmeni on density of dough. Besides China they are popular in Japan under the name gyoza and in Korea under mandu name. Gedza's cooking methods are various from boil to steam and fry. Stuffings are various too. Mutton, pork, beef, chicken, fish, shrimps mixed with grated vegetables is used. Vegetarian stuffings of cabbage, mushrooms, green onions, the Chinese garlic are also popular. Traditional Chinese dumplings serve with chile hot sauce or soy and acetum sauce which may contains garlic, ginger, sesame oil and sake. The Japanese gedza option differs from the Chinese one in the expressed garlick taste and smaller amount of salt and soy. The traditional recipe of gedza is a mix of chopped pork, garlic, cabbage and sesame oil in thin crust. Generally are served fried.
Dim sum is a Chinese cuisine dish from Guandjou city. It means touch the heart or eat as many as your soul will wish. Dim sum eating is the whole ritual, separate of a breakfast, a lunch or a dinner as a rule. Restaurants menu contains dim sum since morning to afternoon.
Variety of dim sum does not have a borders, they may be in all kind of forms of flowers and stuffings.
Dim sum can be cooked or fried in oil, but the most favourite way is to steam in small bamboo boxes. Dim sum dough is made of rice or wheat flour and is very thinly rolled.
It is so thin that dough becomes very gentle and transparent and it is possible to consider stuffing through it after preparation.
Small boxes usually for three-four dim sums. It is possible to approach a rack and to choose the pleasant types. They will be steamed right there and will serve in a few minutes with bamboo in a box.
Unlike more or less similar pelmeni options, dim sum exists in infinite variations. Rice dough is painted in green, yellow, pink colors and the dumpling is decorated from above with caviar kernels, slices of a crab, vegetables or senchur eggs. Stuffing can be the most various: forcemeat of pork, chickens, ducks, shrimps, crabs or vegetables. Stuffing consists of one ingredient seldom. It is combinations of forcemeat and mushrooms, forcemeat and shrimps, forcemeat and vegetables. It is accepted to order four-five types dim sum at once. Dim sum after morning exercises in the mornings is one of the most favourite traditions among the senior generation of Chinese. To bring together all family for breakfast with dim sum is a sacred business in Sunday morning.
Khanum is traditional Uzbek dish, but this kind of dumplings meets in different national cuisine. It may be Uzbek, Tajik, Kazakh khanum. There is a lot of soundings of the name like khanum, khanon, khunon. The dumplings made from thinnest unleavened dough with potatoes or mincemeat stuffing. Usually, khanum has roll shape, but it can be roses or lacy envelopes options.
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